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Exhibition layouts and interior decoration

Art pavilion, postcard, around 1904

Viktor Kovačić was a very active member of the Society of Croatian Artists. After its dissolution, he joined the Society of Arts led by Izidor Kršnjavi. As a member of the Society, he regularly exhibited at joint events, and for several exhibitions he designed the layout and decoration of the exhibition spaces. During 1904, Kovačić also joined the newly founded Union of South Slavic Artists “Lada”, at whose exhibitions he also exhibited regularly, set up exhibitions and created catalogs. In addition to exhibitions, Kovačić also decorated interiors for numerous social events during his career.

Obzor Illustrated no. 6, February 1908: “Our Croatian architect Viktor Kovačić is distinguished by a special taste and culture, which is shown by his buildings, toli and his interior arrangement, rooms and halls.”

Exhibition setup C. M. Medović, O. Iveković and friends, Art Pavilion, May 1901

Installation of the Third Yugoslav Art Exhibition of the association “Lada”, Art Pavilion, May – June 1908

Viktor Kovačić, with a white hat on his head, with members of the “Lada” society in front of the Art Pavilion in 1908, Figure Archive of arts HAZU

Obzor Illustrated no. 6, February 1908: “Up until the village, our halls were arranged in various ways for the purpose of dances, and these arrangements were mostly characterized by bad taste. It was without any culture, without any stylization. The organizers of the parties forgot that the artistic ear should decide in this, that drapeaus, flowers, colors and individual objects should be arranged in such a way that they are pleasing to the eye, that they do not get in the way and that their tones fit with gas or electric lighting.”

“Kola” building and hall, postcard, around 1902.

Interior decoration of the hall of the “Plitvice Society” Music Institute for Carnival Dance, February 1908

Interior decoration of the hall of the Music Institute for Carnival Dance of the Plitvice Society, 1908, Ministry of culture and media Republic of Croatia

Obzor Illustrated no. 6, February 1908: “Last year we already warned our readers about the extremely modern and tastefully decorated Sokol hall, and about the dance of the Croatian university students. And this time, Viktor Kovačić really stood out with the extraordinary arrangement of the aforementioned hall. Until the village, our halls were arranged in various ways for the purpose of dances, and most of all these arrangements were characterized by bad taste. It was without any culture, without any stylization… All the more we have to praise Mr. Viktor Kovačić, who put in all his effort, that with a small amount, and with a relatively small amount of decorative material and objects, he could bring out and achieve effects that we have not seen before. get used to watching our carnival and other great parties.”