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HOMMAGE TO VIKTOR KOVAČIĆ – The legacy of Viktor Kovačić in the collections of the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia

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Viktor Kovačić 1874. – 1924.

The Ministry of Culture and Media has taken care of several art collections and legacies from the funds of the former Conservation Department, which arrived over the century through purchases and various donations. Some of them were acquired by the employees of the Conservation Department themselves, creating today one of the most valuable national funds, which includes, in a very wide time span, from the 16th to the end of the 20th century, paintings, drawings, graphics, historical maps, collections of architectural plans, photographs and a rich a collection of written material. Many of these collections are today an important source of data for the study of national history and art.

About the legacy of the architect Viktor Kovačić

The legacy of Viktor Kovačić contains a very valuable collection of objects, which includes his projects, studies, manuscripts, drawings, sketches, and photographs created in the time period from 1889 to 1924. The documentation follows Kovačić’s developmental changes from his graduation thesis all the way to the last sketches and drafts he made before his sudden death while working on the Zagreb “Burza” project. This valuable documentation was declared a cultural asset in 2018 and entered in the Register of Cultural Assets of the Republic of Croatia. Kovačić’s legacy is an inexhaustible source of information for researchers of both cultural heritage protection and the history of Croatian architecture and culture in general. Its material is the backbone of numerous scientific works, professional publications, monographs and exhibitions.

Sketches, drawings, plans of unrealized projects, and part of the photographs from Kovačić’s legacy have been expertly processed in the past period. In addition to the systematic professional and catalog processing, the process of protection, i.e. conservation and restoration of the material was going on in parallel in cooperation with the experts of the Croatian Restoration Institute.

During 2023, as part of the e-Culture (“eKultura”) – Digitization of cultural heritage project, Kovačić’s collection of sketches, drawings and architectural plans was digitized, published and made available to experts and the general public. Professional processing, as well as public publication of the remaining material from the Legacy of Viktor Kovačić, will continue.

Creation of the exhibition: Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, 2024

Author of the exhibition and all accompanying texts: Krešimir Galović, Art historian