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Return to Zagreb, 1900 – 1905

Viktor Kovačić: “I came to put architecture in Croatia on a new foundation – I am the ray of sunshine of a new artistic endeavor.”

Viktor Kovačić, study of the pavilion for public events, Ministry of culture and media Republic of Croatia

After completing his studies in Vienna in 1899, Kovačić returned to Zagreb. In the first years after his return, he lived in great poverty. He had a hard time finding jobs, and no one wanted to accept him in any kind of public service. In order to survive, he had to manage in various ways. Thus, for a time, like Adolf Loos in Vienna, he made a living decorating apartments, various interiors, setting up exhibitions and organizing various festive events where the city’s elite gathered.

Viktor Kovačić, study of the “Kolo” singing hall, Ministry of culture and media Republic of Croatia

Viktor Kovačić: “Architecture is an art, and as such it must be individual and contemporary.”

Despite the existential adversities in which Kovačić found himself upon his return to Zagreb, his public engagement came to the fore more and more. Immediately after his arrival, he joined the editorial board of the magazine Život, which was started by the Society of Croatian Artists (DHU). Kovačić designed the visual appearance of the magazine, and in 1900 he published the programmatic article Modern Architecture. With this text, for the first time in Croatian art, Kovačić redefines the position of the artist, who in a strictly defined social hierarchy is no longer just a mere craftsman, builder or salon painter, but imposes himself on that society as a self-conscious artist and individual. Kovačić also raises the question of modernity and the relationship between contemporary life and style conditioned by new technological achievements.

Viktor Kovačić: “Modern life did not begin with a tabula rasa – it also developed little by little with opportunities. And so is architecture. But it should not stay with either antiquity or renaissance, while life rushes forward every hour. New tools, new materials, a different way of life tells us – that the form of the building must change.”

Viktor Kovačić, standing first on the right by the tree, with members of the “Lada” society, HAZU Fine Arts Archive

Kovačić was a very active member of DHU, at whose exhibitions he personally exhibited. During 1900, he also exhibited at the World Exhibition in Paris. There he presented his final work at the Vienna Academy, the project of the imperial summer residence Orianda. After the dissolution of the DHU, Kovačić became a member of the Society of Artists, and in 1904 he joined the newly founded Union of South Slavic Artists “Lada”, at whose exhibitions he regularly exhibited.

Viktor Kovačić, project of the imperial summer house Orianda, Vienna 1899, Ministry of culture and edia Republic of Croatia